A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining an Indian Visa for Namibian Citizens

Are you a Namibian citizen dreaming of exploring the vibrant streets of India, soaking in its rich cultural heritage and indulging in its mouthwatering delicacies? Well, fret not! We’ve got your back. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through every step of obtaining an Indian visa for Namibian citizens, ensuring that your journey to this incredible subcontinent is hassle-free and unforgettable. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to embark on an enchanting adventure like no other! INDIAN VISA FOR NAMIBIAN CITIZENS

Overview of Indian Visa Requirements for Namibian Citizens

If you are a Namibian citizen and want to travel to India, there are a few things you need to know. First, you will need a passport that is valid for at least six months after your intended return date. Indian visas are also required for all visitors, except citizens of Singapore, Brunei, and Malaysia.

To obtain an Indian visa, you will need to complete an application form available from the Indian embassy or consulate in your home country. The application process can take up to two weeks, and you will be required to provide documentation that proves your identity (passport), citizenship (nationality card), residency status in your home country (land-entry permit), and enough money to cover the cost of your stay in India.

If you are travelling as part of a group, each member of the group must submit a separate application form. Additionally, all applicants must pay the visa fee in advance. If you are travelling on a business trip, it is advisable to book your hotel well in advance so that you can apply for your visa at the same time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for an Indian Visa

If you are a citizen of Namibia and you wish to visit India, your first step is to obtain a tourist visa. To do this, you will need to complete an online application form and upload supporting documents. Once the application has been received by the Indian authorities, a decision will be made regarding your visa status. If your visa is approved, you will receive notification of this through the mail. In order to travel to India once your visa has been approved, you will need to present yourself at the Indian embassy or consulate in Namibia and present your valid passport as well as your approved tourist visa. INDIAN VISA FOR NAURUAN CITIZENS

Types of Visas and Their Eligibility Criteria

There are three types of Indian visas: tourist, business, and Employment. The tourist visa allows Indian citizens to visit Namibia for a maximum period of 90 days. Business visas allow Indian citizens to conduct business in Namibia for a maximum period of 180 days. Employment visas allow Indian citizens to work in Namibia for a maximum period of 365 days. Each visa has its own eligibility criteria and requirements. The following is a list of the eligibility criteria for each type of visa:

Tourist Visa:

-Be a citizen of India

-Must be 18 years or older

-No criminal record

-Have proof of onward travel arrangements

– Have valid passport with at least six months remaining validity

-Have enough money to support yourself while in Namibia

Documents Required for an Indian Visa Application

The Indian Embassy in Windhoek issues visas on behalf of the Government of India. All nationals of Namibia must have a valid passport to apply for an Indian visa.

To apply for a visa, you will need the following documents:

– Your passport photo page – Passport size photo – Proof of your Namibian citizenship – Proof of your stay in Namibia for the last 90 days – A letter from your employer or travel agent specifying dates of your trip and the purpose of it. If you are travelling as a part of a tour group, each member of the group should provide their own letter stating that they will be traveling together and the name and contact information of their tour guide or host country representative. – Bank statement showing at least 30,000 namibian dollars (N$) in cash or an irrevocable letter of credit from a reputable bank in Namibia. This document must be dated within 60 days of the proposed date of departure from Namibia. – Copies of all tickets (if applicable). In case you are travelling with a tour group, make sure to bring copies not only of your tickets but also letters from all your tour guides/host countries confirming that you will be joining the group at its final destination.

Please note that if you are coming to India on business, lien certificate(s), power-of-attorney documents and an invitation letter from your company should also be attached to your application documents as proof thereof

Processing Time and Fees

If you are a Namibian citizen and want to visit India, you will need a visa. A visa is not required for citizens of most other countries, but you will need to apply for one through the Indian embassy or consulate in your home country. The application process can take several weeks, and the cost of a visa is typically $60-$120. There are also processing fees associated with obtaining a visa, which vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for. Some visas require additional documentation, such as an invitation letter from a company or organization in India.

Alternatives to Obtaining an Indian Visa

There are many different ways to obtain an Indian visa, depending on your nationality and the type of visa you are seeking. Here are some of the most common methods:

Namibia has a bilateral treaty with India that allows citizens of both countries to visa-free travel to each other’s country. You can apply for a visa online at the Indian embassy in Windhoek or at one of the country’s numerous visa offices.

If you’re not a citizen of either country, you’ll need to apply for a tourist visa. To do this, you will need to visit an Indian consulate or embassy in your home country and submit an application form along with documentation confirming your identity and travel schedule. The application process can take up to several weeks, so be prepared to wait patiently.

If you have family members living in India, you may be able to get them visas too. However, this process is usually more complicated and requires additional paperwork.


If you are a namibian citizen and would like to travel to India, this guide is for you. In it, we will outline the steps that you need to take in order to obtain an Indian visa. We will also provide helpful tips on what to expect during your visa application process and what you should do if anything goes wrong. Whether you are planning a vacation or hoping to work in India, this guide has everything you need to know. So be sure to check it out!


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