Navigating the New Zealand Visa Process Post COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Are you dreaming of exploring the stunning landscapes and vibrant culture of New Zealand? Well, we have exciting news for you! As the world gradually recovers from the grips of COVID-19, New Zealand has reopened its doors to international travelers. However, before you pack your bags and hop on a plane, it’s crucial to understand the new visa process in place. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about navigating the revamped New Zealand visa process post-COVID-19. Get ready to embark on your Kiwi adventure with confidence and ease! NEW ZEALAND VISA POST COVID


What is the COVID-19 pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious global health emergency. It is caused by the coronavirus, a virus that can cause severe respiratory illness in humans. As of September 2019, there have been 493 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, including 214 cases in New Zealand.

If you are traveling to any country where the coronavirus is present, you should consult with your travel health professional about whether you need a visa. If you are travelling to countries where the virus has not been identified yet but may be in the future, it is important to take steps to protect yourself from the coronavirus. These steps include washing your hands often and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.

If you are travelling to New Zealand and have contracted COVID-19, you will need a valid visa for your stay in New Zealand. The visa application process will vary depending on when you apply and what type of visa you are applying for. However, all travelers who want to stay in New Zealand for more than three months must apply for a visitor visa if they do not have any other immigration status or if they hold a temporary residency permit or special category visa (such as an Australian journalist). If you are visiting New Zealand for fewer than three months and do not have any other immigration status or if you hold a temporary residency permit or special category visa (such as an Australian journalist), you can apply for a visitor’s visa at an embassy or consulate in your NEW ZEALAND VISA FOR US CITIZENS


How does the new NZ visa process work?

If you are arriving in New Zealand as a traveller, visitor or working holiday maker and your visa has expired, you will need to apply for a new visa. The process of applying for a new visa is different depending on whether you are a tourist, business visitor, student or work visa holder.


To apply for a tourist visa you will need to bring along the following documents:

  • A passport that has at least 6 months remaining validity;
  • Your airline ticket showing your planned date of arrival in New Zealand;
  • Evidence that you have enough funds to cover your stay in New Zealand (a bank statement, hotel reservation, etc); and
  • Proof of vaccination against meningococcal disease (a copy of your current travel health insurance policy).

If you are applying for a business visit visa you will need to bring along the following documents:

I n addition to the requirements listed above, businesses who wish to hire foreign workers on 457 visas (for example) must also provide documentation such as an employment contract and an offer letter from their sponsoring company.

To apply for a student visa you will need the following documents:

  • A passport that has at least 6 months remaining validity; • A photocopy of the front and back pages of your passport; • Your university transcript or certificate of enrolment; • Proof of financial support from your home country (a bank statement, letter from the embassy or consulate confirming support


Who is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people all over the world. While the virus is not yet considered to pose a significant global health threat, it is still causing concern for many people who may need to travel in the coming months. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a global health alert for COVID-19 and recommends that people affected by the virus avoid travel unless absolutely necessary.

Those most at risk are those with chronic diseases such as heart conditions, diabetes, and cancer, who are more likely to experience serious complications from the virus. Pregnant women are also particularly at risk of complications due to the high number of pregnant women who have been affected by COVID-19 so far. The New Zealand embassy website has a list of recommendations for those planning to travel to countries where the pandemic is currently spreading. These include advice on how best to prevent becoming infected with COVID-19, what steps to take if you are already infected, and what support is available if you become sick while travelling.

While it is important for everyone to be aware of the dangers posed by COVID-19, it is especially important for people living in affected areas or travelling to those areas. If you are concerned about your health or that of someone you care about, please seek advice from your healthcare professionals before travelling.


How can I apply for a NZ visa post COVID-19?

If you are a citizen of a country that is participating in the Council of Europe Convention on the Return of Victims of Violence and their Children (COVID-19), you may be eligible for a visa to stay in New Zealand. The visa process can be complex, but we have provided some tips below that will help you get started.

To apply for a visa, you should first contact the New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS). You can find their contact details online or by calling them on 0800 007 700. You will need to provide your passport information, as well as your dates of arrival and intended departure. The NZIS will then decide if you are eligible for a visa and whether or not they will give you one.

If you are granted a visa, make sure that you have all the necessary documents with you when you arrive in New Zealand. These documents include your passport, an application form, copies of your identification cards, and proof of financial support (if required). If you do not have these documents when you arrive in New Zealand, your visa may be cancelled and you may be forced to leave the country.


What are the requirements for a NZ visa post COVID-19?

If you are a citizen of an affected country and need a visa to travel to New Zealand, the requirements for a NZ visa post COVID-19 are as follows:

You will need a valid passport that is not yet due to expire.

You will need evidence of your travel plans. This can be in the form of airline tickets, hotel reservations, or proof of onward travel.


You will also need a valid passport photo.

The visa application process can be completed at any New Zealand embassy or consulate. However, some embassies have increased processing times, so it is advised to check the website ahead of time. The application fee is NZ $175 (approximately US $130).


What happens if I don’t meet the requirements for a NZ visa post COVID-19?

If you are not eligible for a visa under the new COVID-19 requirements, there are other ways to enter New Zealand. You may be able to use a visitor visa instead of a work or study visa. To find out if you qualify for a visitor visa, visit our website or speak to one of our immigration advisers.



Congratulations on your upcoming trip to New Zealand! The visa process after COVID-19 can be a bit daunting, but with the right preparation it will be a breeze. In this article, we will provide you with everything you need to know about the new visa requirements and how to navigate them. We hope that this information will help make your visit more enjoyable and hassle-free.

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